Project Title: UI/UX Design and Website Development for CyberTIQ
Project Overview: This project entails the design of a user-friendly and visually appealing application, along with the development of a website that complements the app's design and presents vital information for potential clients. The primary objective is to ensure consistency between the app's UI/UX design and the website, creating a cohesive brand identity. Additionally, the design will undergo prototyping and user testing to refine the user experience. Subsequently, the development team will receive clear directions based on the UI/UX design to use it as a guiding framework for app development.
My contributions: As one of the designer on the project, I take pride in being responsible for some important aspects of the design process, like defining the brand and personas to creating flows and wire-frames, as well as designing the logo and crafting the final UI designs.
Logo Proposal. After meeting the client, thorough research was conducted to understand the app's industry, target audience, and competitors. This research also involved gathering inspiration from design trends, color schemes, and technological elements related to the app's concept. To make the logo more modern and in line with current design trends, gradients are incorporated into the design. The third option was the winner one, a combination of option 1 and 2.
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